Before take exam check you First and Last Name in your profile. Name Print on your Certificate.
Total number of questions : 40
Passing Marks: 50%
Time alloted : 25 minutes.
Each question carry (+4 marks), every wrong answer have (-1 Marks).
DO NOT refresh the questions page.
All the best .
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Are you ready to demonstrate your knowledge and expertise in Vastu Shastra? Our Vastu Consultant Online Certification Exam is designed to assess your understanding of Vastu principles, remedies, and applications in various spaces. This certification is ideal for aspiring Vastu consultants, architects, interior designers, and individuals seeking to validate their skills in the ancient science of architecture.
Advance your career in Vastu consultation with our Vastu Consultant Online Certification Exam. Start your certification journey today and showcase your expertise in Vastu Shastra!