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Total number of questions : 30
Passing Marks: 50%
Time alloted : 25 minutes.
Each question carry (+5 marks), No negative marks.
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Welcome to our extensive collection of Child Development and Pedagogy Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) designed to help you excel in competitive exams. Whether you're aspiring to become a teacher or aiming to enhance your understanding of child development and pedagogical practices, our MCQs cover a wide range of topics relevant to education and teaching methodologies.
Why Choose Our Child Development and Pedagogy MCQs?
Comprehensive Coverage: Our MCQs cover various aspects of child development, including theories of learning, stages of development, educational psychology, and pedagogical approaches.
Exam Preparation: Use our MCQs to prepare for competitive exams such as teacher recruitment tests, educational entrance exams, and other competitive assessments.
Concept Reinforcement: Each question is designed to reinforce key concepts and principles in child development and pedagogy, helping you build a strong foundation in educational practices.
Practice Questions: Our MCQs provide ample practice opportunities, allowing you to familiarize yourself with the format and types of questions commonly found in competitive exams.