Before take exam check you First and Last Name in your profile. Name Print on your Certificate.
Total number of questions : 50
Passing Marks: 50%
Time alloted : 25 minutes.
Each question carry (+4 marks), every wrong answer have (-1 Marks).
DO NOT refresh the questions page.
All the best .
Enroll Now for Only: Rs.50/- Rs.99/- 50% OFF + Promo Discount
Enhance your skills in navigating the digital world with our Internet Surfing Online Certification Exam. This certification is designed for individuals seeking to demonstrate their proficiency in using the internet effectively and safely. Whether you’re a student, professional, or just someone looking to improve your online skills, this certification will validate your ability to surf the web efficiently and responsibly.
Present Requirements:
Future Requirements:
Advance your digital skills with our Internet Surfing Online Certification Exam. Start your certification journey today and showcase your proficiency in navigating the web!