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Total number of questions : 30
Passing Marks: 50%
Time alloted : 25 minutes.
Each question carry (+5 marks), No negative marks.
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Welcome to our extensive collection of General Knowledge of India Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) designed to help you excel in competitive exams. Whether you're preparing for government exams, entrance tests, or job interviews, our MCQs cover a wide range of topics related to India's history, geography, politics, culture, and more.
Why Choose Our General Knowledge of India MCQs?
Comprehensive Coverage: Our MCQs cover various aspects of India's general knowledge, including historical events, geographical features, political developments, cultural heritage, and current affairs.
Exam Preparation: Use our MCQs to prepare for competitive exams such as UPSC, SSC, banking exams, railway exams, and state-level exams.
Concept Reinforcement: Each question is designed to reinforce key facts and information about India, helping you build a strong foundation in general knowledge.
Practice Questions: Our MCQs provide ample practice opportunities, allowing you to familiarize yourself with the format and types of questions commonly found in competitive exams.