Before take exam check you First and Last Name in your profile. Name Print on your Certificate.
Total number of questions : 50
Passing Marks: 50%
Time alloted : 25 minutes.
Each question carry (+4 marks), every wrong answer have (-1 Marks).
DO NOT refresh the questions page.
All the best .
Enroll Now for Only: Rs.50/- Rs.99/- 50% OFF + Promo Discount
Validate your expertise in web design with our CSS Online Certification Exam. This certification is perfect for individuals looking to demonstrate their skills in Cascading Style Sheets (CSS), a fundamental technology for creating visually appealing and responsive web pages. Whether you're a web designer, developer, or aspiring professional, this certification will showcase your proficiency in styling and designing websites effectively.
Present Requirements:
Future Requirements:
Advance your web design skills with our CSS Online Certification Exam. Start your certification journey today and demonstrate your expertise in styling web pages!